Having the right information, at the right time, and in the right way is a key to helping your work day be more effective.
We're adding an easy-to-read summary page, so you'll be able to quickly review usage and costs and not get bogged down in the details.
You don't need to do a thing – the summary page will be automatically added to your invoice.
Please see the frequently asked questions below for more information.
A summary section has been added to your invoice, giving you the ability to quickly view your energy usage and costs. The site details section has been redesigned to be simpler and easier to read.
You have the option to simplify your invoice further by removing the site level line item details. All you have to do is visit enmax.com/business-invoice and fill out the form provided. If you still require these details, you can be setup with access the ENMAX Energy Internet reports portal. Through the portal, you can access your full invoice along with a suite of reports that can assist you in summarizing or drilling down to the detail you need.
Sign up by visiting enmax.com/business-invoice.
Yes. Visit enmax.com/business-invoice to sign up for the summary section only invoice.
If you want to switch back, contact us at business@enmax.com, 403-514-2199 or Toll Free: 1-866-331-2199.
You can login to the portal by visiting enmax.com/reports. If you require access or assistance contact us at business@enmax.com, 403-514-2199 or Toll Free: 1-866-331-2199
The graphs reflect when energy was used as opposed to when invoiced. For example, if the invoice is dated December, the invoice will contain predominantly November usage charges and any prior usage period adjustments. Those adjustments will be reflected in the amounts for their respective usage period and the graphs will reflect both the initial charges and the subsequent adjustments.
The summaries and graph include all items termed as other charges in your energy services agreement such as unaccounted for energy, line losses, uplift, power pool trading charges, etc. If your energy services agreement does not include unaccounted for energy, line losses and power pool trading charges then the summary view does not include those charges.
The site level summary represents totals from the previous month's usage and any prior period invoice adjustments. Since prior period adjustments are also treated as current amounts due, this view represents the total accounting amounts due.
The account level summary represents the totals for all sites associated with the billing account for the usage periods indicated. If applicable to your energy services agreement, the energy charges are summarized as fixed and index priced usage amounts, renewable energy and the remaining as other energy charges.
Yes. This can be accomplished by collapsing all of your 'A' series (begin with the letter A) billing accounts into a single 'A' series consolidated account. NOTE: City of Calgary water, sewer, waste, etc. services and any other services associated with billing accounts which begin with '5' cannot be consolidated with billing accounts beginning with 'A'. Contact us at business@enmax.com, 403-514-2199 or Toll Free: 1-866-331-2199 if you would like to consolidate your 'A' series billing accounts.
You'll find your account number(s) at the top of your invoice.
Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).
For new services, transfers or renewals, please call 310-2010 or click here to self serve online.