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ENMAX Power Corporation

No. 20 Substation Switchgear Replacement Project


ENMAX Power Corporation (ENMAX Power) owns and operates ENMAX No. 20 Substation, located at 2508 Bowness Road NW. ENMAX No. 20 Substation commenced operations over 45 years ago and provides electrical services to residential and commercial properties in Calgary’s West Hillhurst area and surrounding communities.


Due to deteriorated asset condition, it has been determined that the 13.8-kilovolt switchgear located inside the substation building requires replacement.

ENMAX Power intends to apply to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) for approval to replace the switchgear and install two plenum vents on the southern exterior wall of the substation building leading to the roof (the Project). The Project will ensure the continued safe, reliable, and efficient operation of ENMAX Power’s electrical system.


ENMAX Power plans to file a Checklist Application with the AUC in Q3 2023. Subject to receiving approvals and the procurement of materials, construction is anticipated to begin in Q3 2024. Construction is anticipated to take approximately 14 months with a proposed in-service date in Q4 2025. We encourage stakeholders to consult the webpage for the most up-to-date construction information.​​

Contact Us​​

Your input is valuable to us. We will ensure you get answers to your questions an​​d that y​​​our concerns are understood. For more information about the proposed Project, please contact:

Phone: 403-514-1471
E-mail: stakeholderrelations@enmax.com
Website: enmax.com/No20Substation

To learn more about the regulatory process, please contact:


Phone: 403-310-4282
E-mail: info@auc.ab.ca
Website: www.auc.ab.ca​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).
