Why was my bill estimated?
Curious about your estimated bill?
Your electricity use can be estimated for a couple reasons.
The first cause of an estimate occurs when a meter reading is submitted after your bill is produced.
The second, and more common cause is when your meter cannot be read. Reasons why a meter can’t be read include locked gates, animals or safety concerns in the yard, weather, holiday schedules or a meter that’s inside your home or locked in a building’s meter room.
Even so, estimates are rare and only eight per cent of monthly bills are based on an estimate. And it is unusual to have an estimate on two consecutive bills.
On page three of your bill, you’ll see your electricity usage listed. Under the Read Type category you’ll see either actual if your meter was read or estimate if it wasn’t.
How will I know if my bill has been adjusted after an estimate?
Once a meter reader can access and read your meter, you’ll see the revised amount listed on your bill as either be a credit or debit based on how the estimate reflected your actual usage.
How will I know if my meter wasn’t able to be read?
Our meter readers will leave behind a card letting you know your meter wasn’t read, and the reason.
How can I submit my own meter reading?
To see how to send in a meter reading visit our Submitting a Meter Read page.