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Electricity Usage Data

​​​​​Information on the authorization to release site specific historic data.

We provide a service to Retailers and Non-Retailers which conforms to the Alberta Code of Conduct Regulation AR 58/2015.


A standard service is provided to comply with the Alberta Utilities Commission Rule 010 -Rules on Standards for Requesting and Exchanging Site-Specific Historic Usage Information for Retail Electricity.

Retailers with non-standard requests i.e. non-compliant to AUC Rule 010 (e.g. for periods greater than 425 calendar days, graphs or other non-standard format) must be requested using the Retailer, Non-Standard request form. Applicable fees apply as per the Terms and Conditions Fee Schedule. Fees subject to GST.

This form can be completed electronically and emailed to trac@enmax.com or faxed to 403-514-6836.


Any person requesting site specific historic data shall have the authorization (written consent) by the customer and must then make the request using the Non-Retailer Authorization form.

Applicable fees apply as per the Terms and Conditions Fee Schedule. Fees subject to GST

Please Note - Red Deer Site Specific Historic Usage requests

Retailer requests which are non-compliant to AUC Rule 010 and all non-retailer requests should be submitted by fax to 403-314-5842 for the attention of the Meter Data Administrator.

If you have any questions please contact trac@enmax.com.

Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).