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Meter Reading

Multiple Electricity MetersCumulative Meter Reading

Meter readings are attempted every month for each site. ENMAX Power Corporation is contracted to read water meters by The City of Calgary, Waterworks Department. A number of methods are implemented for meter reading, depending on the type of meter being used.

Interval Meter Data

Interval meters are meters that are read through phone lines or wirelessly, and record data on 15 minute intervals. These types of meters are used in sites that record 150 Kva peak demand or greater twice in a calendar year. This metering technology is also used to measure the entire zone load at our substations.

Report  a meter reading to us

There are several ways a customer can report a meter reading to us. The best way is to email a clear photo of your meter with the reading to meters@enmax.com or submit a meter reading online.

Submit a meter reading online

Meter reading routes and schedules

Routes are set up and managed through software that allows routes to correspond to billing cycles over each month.

When is my meter being read?

Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).