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Energize Your Site

 ENMAX Power Corporation is here to help your projects run smoothly.

Here is how you can get new or temporary electricity service from ENMAX Power Corporation

Step 1: Make a service request 

Please complete the Get Connected form that best matches your project. This will allow us to understand your project requirements, and help your project run smoothly.

Step 2: Expect a call from us

After you submit your form, an ENMAX Power Site Service Representative will contact you to discuss your project. Please give us approximately 2 working days to process your request.

Step 3: Review of your plans

An ENMAX Power Corporation inspector and electrical inspector may need to review your plans before you proceed. This must be completed before you can go ahead with any installation. We will let you know if this needs to happen.

Step 4: Get a Site ID

To obtain the Site Identification Number, you must complete a form and send it to ENMAX Power Corporation. For each site, you'll need to provide the address, service type and characteristics (volts, amps, phases and wire count) and permit number.

In Calgary, for single family homes and duplexes, the building permit number is required. For condos, multi-family homes and commercial properties, the electrical permit number is required.

All services in Red Deer require the electrical permit.

Step 5: Choose your electricity retailer

Once a Site ID has been assigned to your service site, contact your chosen retailer and request to enroll your site. Your retailer will notify ENMAX Power that they're supplying electricity to your service site and will submit a request to install a meter on your behalf. As regulated by the province, enrollment transactions are processed at midnight. The next day, after the retailer receives notification that the enrollment is successful, they'll submit a request to have your site energized and a meter installed. If you have chosen the government Regulated Rate Option (RRO), you can submit a request to install a meter here.

To view a list of retailers, you can visit the Alberta Government's Customer Choice web site.

Step 6: ENMAX Power energizes your site

We're able to energize your service once we've received a successful enrollment and request for energy from your retailer.

ENMAX Power can't energize a site that hasn't been successfully enrolled by a retailer.

The timing required to obtain a Site ID and have the site enrolled by a retailer means that it's not possible to provide same-day service for energizing new sites. If you need energy at a new service on a particular day, please remember to obtain your site ID and choose a retailer in advance to prevent delays.

If you have any questions about this process, you can email getconnected@enmax.com.

Where's the Line?

Alberta One Call


Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).