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Questions and Answers
  • My retailer isn't ENMAX Energy Corporation - so why is ENMAX reading my meter?
    All metering equipment in the City of Calgary is owned and maintained by ENMAX Power Corporation. Once the reads are collected by the meter readers that data is then sent to your retailer.
  • How do I know what the meter reader looks like?
    ENMAX Power Corporation supplies all its meter readers with a specified uniform. Our field staff will be wearing a combination of khaki shirts, shorts/trousers with bright red jackets or vests and all of our clothing is embroidered with the ENMAX logo. Every employee is also required to carry ENMAX identification, which you can ask to see at any time when the meter reader enters your premises.
  • Are they allowed to come into my yard?
    The city bylaws and the terms and conditions on your electrical contract state that access to your electrical meter must be provided. ENMAX Power meter readers will always respect your privacy and property when obtaining your meter's reading.
  • Why do they need to come in my yard/house - aren't all meters read through the telephone lines?
    Currently, 90 per cent of ENMAX Power's electrical meters and approximately 30 per cent of the water meters are still read manually by the meter readers. The meters not read manually are collected by the meter reader using RF technology on a handheld unit. Interval meters which service large commercial sites are the only meters read through the telephone network.
  • How did they read my meter? My gates are locked.
    The vast majority of electrical meters are located on either the side or the center rear of the house. Most of the time, yard entry isn't required to read these meters. For the meters on the backs of houses, the meter reader is more than likely 'scoping' the meter from the alley with their binoculars. Scoping the meter allows our meter readers to be more efficient and also stay safe from unknown hazards on customers' properties.
  • Can the meter reader help me with my bill? Explain it to me?
    No, the meter reader is unable to help you with your bill. In accordance with regulations, ENMAX Power meter readers will only be able to assist you with meter related inquiries. Any questions concerning billing MUST be directed to your chosen retailer.
  • What types of meters do the meter readers read?
    ENMAX Power meter readers read the electric and water meters located on property in Calgary, Red Deer, Ponoka and Cardston.
  • What is an ERT or RF type meter?
    An ERT or RF is a meter that broadcasts its reading to the meter reader through a handheld device.
  • Why is my water read by an RF/ERT unit but not my electricity?
    Water meters are owned by the City of Calgary who are currently trying to replace their inventory from manually read meters to radio frequency (RF) meters. Electrical RF meters are costly and are reserved for sites which pose a significant safety risk to ENMAX Power staff or sites which are extremely hard to access.
  • Is personal information being sent by my RF/ERT meter?
    No. The meter reader's handheld device broadcasts a unique 13 digit ID number which will only be responded to by the meter that is programmed with that specific ID. The only information your meter will send back is the reading on the dials of your meter. Your meter does not contain any personal information.
  • Are the read dates flexible? I want my meter read on Mondays.
    Unfortunately, read dates are not flexible. Your read date is based on the billing cycle your address is applicable to. Every billing cycle has a predetermined read date (actual read may occur two days on either side of scheduled read date).
  • ENMAX Power Meter Reading has a key to my property - how do I get it back?
    For all key related inquires please call the ENMAX Power Meter Reading department at 403-514-3830.
  • I want ENMAX Power Meter Reading to have a key to my property - who do I call?
    For all key related inquires please call the ENMAX Power Meter Reading department at 403-514-3830.
  • What kind of security does ENMAX Power have for its customers' keys?
    All keys entrusted to ENMAX Power are properly stored in locked cabinets in a highly secured area. All keys are signed out by ENMAX Power staff and returned the same day.
  • I've found ENMAX Power Meter Reading property - who do I call?
    Please call ENMAX Power Meter Reading at 403-514-3830.
  • My meter is damaged - who do I call?
    Please call the ENMAX Power Meter Shop at 403-514-2807.
  • How often is my meter read?
    ENMAX Power Meter Reading attempts to read your meter every month, two days on either side of your scheduled read date.
  • What happens if my meter isn't read?
    If a meter reader cannot read your meter, a door card will be left for you in your mailbox or front door. If you email (meters@enmax.com) a photograph of your meter with the meter number and dials clearly shown, we can input your reading into our system so that your read can be used for billing. If you don't have the ability to email a photo, you can also call our IVR system (403-662-3250) and leave a voicemail with your readings.
  • What if I have pets in my yard?
    If you have a pet in your yard you can call the ENMAX Power Meter Reading department at 403-514-3830 and let us know. This will allow us to put a note onto the meter reader's handheld device so the meter reader is aware of pets on your property. Not only will this keep our meter reader safe from a potential dog bite, but the meter reader will be especially alert not to let your pet out of your yard.
  • What hours do the meter readers work?
    During the winter, our meter readers do not start reading meters until 8 a.m. Once summer arrives and the sunrise is earlier, our meter readers will begin their routes at 7 a.m.
  • How can I help the meter reader read my meter safely and efficiently?
    Keeping our meter readers safe is ENMAX Power's number one priority - our customers play a big part in helping us achieve that. How can you help? Learn more.
  • My meter is indoors - will ENMAX Power move it outside for me?

    Unfortunately, no. The cost of moving a meter outside is the responsibility of the customer. If this option isn't for you, you can choose one of the following:

    • Call ENMAX Power Meter Reading at 403-514-3830 and supply us with a key to your property so we can ensure monthly accurate reads.

    • Submit a monthly read of your meter by sending us a photograph or an email with your read so we can ensure monthly accurate reads.

  • Will the meter reader contact me before reading my meter?
    If you request, we can have the meter reader try to contact you on the morning of reading. We cannot, however, call in advance more than the morning of the read due to our department working on a production schedule, which could see a route be read two days on either side of your scheduled read date.
  • What happens if a person comes to read my meter outside of my read cycle?
    If a site hasn't been read for a period of three months or greater, or if a read has been deemed questionable, a meter reader may visit the site to confirm the actual reading on the meter outside of the regular read date. If you have any concerns, all meter reading staff are required to carry identification or you can call ENMAX Power Meter Reading at 403-514-3830.
  • How do I read the meter?
    • ​Electric meters either have a set of dials or are digital.
    • With dials the numbers alternate between clockwise and counter clockwise and the final read goes from left to right.
    • When the pointer is between two numbers you would take the lower number, no matter which number the pointer is closest to.

    Information on reading your meter can be found on the meter reading page and available on the Fortis Alberta website under "Customer Service" then "meter reading". This page answers many questions for meter reads.

    If you are in Fortis territory you can also call 310-WIRE as noted on Fortis' website.

  • What is a bi-directional meter?
    These meters are installed at a site that has a micro-generator or distributed generation. The meter will measure the energy that flows to the customer and the energy that is exported to the grid from the customer.
  • What if I have a digital meter?

    ​Digital meters are read by FortisAlberta remotely without having to physically visit the site. These automated meters provide FortisAlberta with daily meter reads eliminating the practice of estimated reads.  

    Demand meters  flash the demand reads in kva and/or kw-different types may use different codes to indicate which read is which. The kWh display will have “kWh” indicated along the bottom of the screen

  • What if I have a smart meter?

    ​Smart meters are read electronically, but a customer can still check the read & submit it.

  • What if I have a bi-directional meter?

    ​These meters are used to link a micro-generation unit to the grid. There are two separate data points; one that shows the amount of electricity that has been brought into the building from the grid and a second data point shows electricity that has been exported from the house back into the grid.

  • How do I submit a reading?

    ​Customers in Calgary and Red Deer can call ENMAX Power’s meter read line 1-403-662-3250, or toll free at 1-866-443-6629, to record their reads on the 24 hour automated line, or click here to submit a reading online.

    For other areas reads must be submitted to the wire service provider.

    Contact FortisAlberta or call 310-WIRES.

    Customers in Crowsnest Pass, Cardston and Ponoka can call 1-866-6629 to submit a meter reading.

  • What if I read the meter incorrectly?

    ​When customers call in a reading, it is up to the wire service provider as to whether the read will be used for billing purposes.

  • When is my meter read?

    ​If you are in Calgary click here to find out when we read your meter.

    If your distributor is Fortis you can check out their website or by call 310-WIRE.

  • Why wasn't my meter read?

    ​The most common reason would be access issues, normally either the meter is locked, inside the home, or somewhere or it is hazardous to access it. A dog in the yard, or even weather can prevent the reading of a meter.

    If it isn’t read you can submit a read, or in ENMAX Power territory we can offer to keep a key or access code on file to use to access the meter.

  • I can smell natural gas, what should I do?

    ​Contact ATCO Gas for following reasons

    • Natural gas odour,
    • If you have hit natural gas lines,
    • Carbon monoxide,
    • Natural gas outage and no heat.

    Calgary: 403-245-7222 
    Edmonton & Area: 1-780-420-5585

  • How do I restart the pilot light on my furnace/water heater?

    ​Please check your manufacturer manual as different products have different ways to ignite your pilot light.

    Alternately, you can call ATCO and they will relight your furnace for you.

  • I need to temporarily disconnect electric service to my empty rental property, how do I get this done?

    ​Yes we can temporarily disconnect service at your property if its empy.Howerver you should be aware that you are still going to receive bills with transmission and distribution charges as long as there is meter at the property.

    There is also a fee for the disconnection and reconnection.

  • I have noticed that my meter is broken or damaged, who do I call?

    ​Please contact ENMAX Power Corporation Trouble line 403-514-6100

  • I have overhead lines that are touching my garage or house. Who should I call?

    ​You can call ENMAX Power Trouble line at 403-514-6100

  • How do I make sure my home wiring is up to electrical standards?

    ​Either call an electrician to have the house checked, or contact the City of Calgary at 311.

Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).
